Saturday 16 July 2011

The Blue Ocean Strategy part 2

I was reading comments of my previous posts - thanks Alim for giving some nice feed back. Its true during our uni life we couldnt be well prepared to start a smooth professional carreer. I believe an university is not only for providing a degree  but its main role is to prepare us to see impossible dreams and to make us confident enough to give the drive to touch that dream. Here dont misunderstand me that dream means only earn a lot , driving a brand new car or having a nice vacation in Europe. The dream can be also to fulfill our commitment to our profession, to our country- to be satisfied of doing something worthy.

Its very unfortunate that we were never taught how to make mistake and how to analyze the cause of that mistake. We were instructed to walk only in known path -not to  take risk - to make blunder. I also know that too much experiment with career and life is not good always. But still....

Now I am going to main point - I hope that my blog will be followed by both pharmacy students and Graduates. So at first i will try to share some of my lifelong learning with  current pharmacy students so that they get enough time to implement those in their life if they want. And my earnest request please don't think i am trying to give advice (what our elders always do) but I will  only try to share my journey and the lesson I learnt from those .......

And most importantly I always try to keep in mind - the blue ocean can be very rough sometimes. so keeping the head cool is the major task then.

Friday 15 July 2011

The Blue Ocean Strategy

The aim of Blue Ocean Strategy is not to out-perform the competition in the existing industry, but to create new market space or a blue ocean, thereby making the competition irrelevant.

I think this is a great theme for pharmacists in Bangladesh at this moment. In my coming posts i will try to explain how we pharmacists can implement this idea in our life

Thursday 14 July 2011

Setting the goal

At present I know a good number of students complete their graduation in Pharmacy from different universities. Then comes the major challenge of their life- finding the right job. I worked in pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh around 5 years and I know there are lots of opportunities and at the same time frustration also. According to me we Pharmacists are ambitious by nature and actually we should be because we have studied one of the top professional subjects of the world. Here in Australia students who score more than 95% in their class twelve will get chance to study pharmacy. For studying other professional subjects (such as engineering) they need to get more than 70% marks only. It indicates what sort of competency this profession deserves.

But scenario in Bangladesh is different I guess. Too much pharmacists are applying for a single job and according to Supply and Demand formula our professional competency is being neglected and underpaid. We are not keeping a silver line for our future graduates. Now time  has come to rethink the whole thing and may be set a new goal!!!!

The World for Pharmacist- Journey begins here

Pharmacists are playing a very important role all over the world. They have immense opportunities everywhere.

In this world information is the greatest strength - and we all know that. In my blog I will try to share my experience to all pharmacists.

 I am a Registered Pharmacist working in Australia. I will share my long journey towards this profession with all of you.

So our journey begins here